Those Aren’t Geese!

Last week, after a day of storms and tornado warnings, we had a gorgeous day of 70 degrees with clear blue skies.

A great day for a walk.

A great day for a walk.

As I was out on my walk, I heard a sound that I thought was coming from a pine tree nearby.  It sounded like a very loud dove call.  I looked and didn’t see anything, but the call continued.  Finally I looked way up and saw a V of birds flying south.  I got some pictures, and when I looked at them tonight, I realized that the birds were not geese, they were Sandhill Cranes!

Sandhill Cranes, Grus canadensis.

Sandhill Cranes, Grus canadensis.

Close-up. Cranes fly with their necks stretched out, unlike herons.

Close-up. Cranes fly with their necks stretched out, unlike herons.

Flying south.

Flying south.

It could be that I have seen them flying over before, but I could never zoom in enough to identify what was flying over, so this is a life bird for me!

I added the viewing to my checklist on eBird, and it was flagged as a rarity  (probably because I didn’t know about marking it with a “flyover” code – it would be very rare to see these birds landing here!).  But my viewing has showed up on the species range maps, which means it was reviewed and approved.  I feel like a real birder now!

I wish I could have recorded their sound.  Here is a video of them from the Crane Trust — it is 8 minutes long but watching it is like a mini-birding trip.