Tag Archive: bioblitz

Photos from the City Nature Challenge

I live on the very edge of the Houston-Galveston territory for the City Nature Challenge.  This bioblitz event, run by iNaturalist, is a worldwide, 4-day challenge held every year, to get people outside,… Continue reading

Eastern Yellow-bellied Racer

This weekend is the City Wide Nature Challenge, a four-day event where we are encouraged to get outside and document the biodiversity in our home communities. Last year the weather was perfect for… Continue reading

Wrapping up 2020

In a normal year, my pattern of interaction with nature goes something like this: Daily: carry my camera with me when I go outside, and if I see a new species, try to… Continue reading

Bioblitz Fun

A bioblitz is an event where people try to find and identify as many species as possible, in a certain place, in a limited amount of time.  Often they have a festival feel… Continue reading