Category Archive: arachnids

Nature Photo Challenge #29: Spiders

The photo challenge set before us on September 20 was Spiders and Their Webs. I like to take pictures of spiders because they usually stay still long enough, and their behavior is interesting… Continue reading

Photos from the City Nature Challenge

I live on the very edge of the Houston-Galveston territory for the City Nature Challenge.  This bioblitz event, run by iNaturalist, is a worldwide, 4-day challenge held every year, to get people outside,… Continue reading

Favorite Shots from 2021

These are some of my favorite pictures of 2021. Some of them are first or unusual sightings for me; some of them are just pretty. 🙂  If you click on any picture, it… Continue reading

A Lovely April Morning Walk

So often, I can’t get my camera to focus where I want it to, but this past Sunday morning, the photography stars aligned and all my pictures turned out beautifully! On my regular… Continue reading

Host and Guests – Ludwigia

I have a goal to identify all the species living on our farm.  The pond plants in particular have been a problem for me, because a lot of them look similar.  And even… Continue reading

Warm Colors of July


A Target-Rich Environment

Walking down by the creek today, I hardly knew where to turn my camera. All kinds of creatures were buzzing and fluttering around, and the light was perfect.

Bowl-and-Doily Spider

While I was researching the Nursery Web Spider, I came across information on the Bowl-and-Doily Spider, a name which is sure to catch the attention of a textile aficionado such as myself!  From… Continue reading

The Joys of Out-dated Reference Books

The other day, I was walking in the woods and noticed this spider in the top of a young pine tree.  I couldn’t tell whether it had caught and eaten something, or it… Continue reading

December Highlights

All of these are from the last three days of warm and sunny weather.  A cold front is supposed to blow in this weekend, and I am curious to see what changes it… Continue reading