Tag Archive: spiders

Life and Death on a Wildflower

The Brown-eyed Susans are in bloom, and they are busy places in the insect world. This time of year there is so much wildlife moving around, I can barely keep up with editing… Continue reading

Bowl-and-Doily Spider

While I was researching the Nursery Web Spider, I came across information on the Bowl-and-Doily Spider, a name which is sure to catch the attention of a textile aficionado such as myself!  From… Continue reading

The Joys of Out-dated Reference Books

The other day, I was walking in the woods and noticed this spider in the top of a young pine tree.  I couldn’t tell whether it had caught and eaten something, or it… Continue reading

Regenerating Spider

On the fourth of the month, I do a mini-BioBlitz around the farm, and see how many species I can find in an hour or two.  Yesterday, one of the things I noticed… Continue reading

Green Lynx: The Next Generation

  I had been wondering where all the Green Lynx spiders had gone, when I noticed a goatweed plant with a big, dead-looking clump on top.  What I thought was a bunch of… Continue reading

Green Lynx 1, Paper Wasp 0

I take about a hundred pictures every day, and try to edit and tag them every night, but I don’t always get to them on time.  This is one I took back in… Continue reading

Camping Out on Camphor Daisies

The camphor daisies (Rayjacksonia phyllocephala) have just started blooming.  They are a pretty nondescript plant, tall and skinny, with long tough stems that look like leggy geranium stems, rough thick leaves, and small… Continue reading