Anhinga: Bird of the Week

We live about ten miles from a lake, and every now and then the cormorants and anhingas that live there take a jaunt to our pond. This week we had an Anhinga, and it stayed long enough for me to get good pictures.

The Anhinga on a log in the pond.

Zooming in.

It flew up into the pines.

Spreading its wings.

It took off again, and I got one pretty clear picture of it in flight, so I had fun playing with some PhotoShop Elements effects, which qualifies me to join XingfuMama’s One-to-Three Photo Processing Challenge!  Nothing too artistic, just some fun practice with effects.

It landed in yet another tree and showed off some new angles.

Perch #2.

Perch #3.

It did not seem comfortable and kept trying different branches.  I guess if I was trying to wrap big floppy feet around a branch, I would not be comfortable either!

Anhingas have been in the news lately, because in May, one showed up in Brooklyn, New York, and 22 were seen in Rome, New York. This is far outside the usual northern limit of their range, which is in the Carolinas.

In the past, a lot of different birds have landed on that log in our pond.  You can see more of them, including a male Anhinga, here.

I am joining in with I.J.Khanewala’s Bird of the Week.