Native Animals of North America

In our travels, we have seen some iconic North American animals.

American Bison in Yellowstone National Park.

Mountain Goat, Oreamnos americanus, at Mount Rushmore.

American Black Bears, Ursus americanus, along the road in British Columbia.

Baby bear.

The National Elk Refuge in Jackson, Wyoming.

Bull Elk, Cervus elaphus.

Bighorn Sheep, Ovis canadensis, at the National Elk Refuge.

Pronghorn, Antilocapra americana, at the National Elk Refuge.

You can see more animals from the Elk Refuge at my post here.

Moose along the Snowy Range Road in Wyoming. I am pretty sure this is at Hanging Lake.

Moose, Alces alces.


It was fun to revisit old travels for this second installment for the current Nature Photo Challenge: Wild Animals.  Do you have any animal photographs in your archives?  There’s still time to join in!