WalkingSquares 1 through 5

BeckyB of Winchester is asking us all to accompany her in walking every day in November, and in capturing a square image from our daily walks. This is my first time in joining in on a Squares Challenge.  I do walk around our farm about three days a week normally, but for this challenge I am going to try to walk every day, and post the week’s images on Sunday.

Tuesday, Nov. 1, was overcast, not a day to inspire landscape photos. In Texas, we don’t get a lot of fall color, but we do have these Winged Elm trees with interesting flattened twigs.

I know that having a line straight through the center is a compositional no-no, but I just wanted to try it for once.

Winged Elm with a grape vine growing through.

Wednesday, November 2. A Queen butterfly nectaring on a Vitex tree.

Thursday, November 3.  This was another warm day, too windy to allow good focusing on plants and insects. I noticed these galls on oak saplings for the first time.  Wasp larva grow inside the galls, but the whole process of how the wasps induce the plants to form the galls is not yet understood.

Wasp galls on oak sapling.

Friday, November 4, was another overcast day, and so windy I didn’t want to walk under the trees.  Insects made themselves scarce too, so finally I settled for a picture of my walking companion.  🙂

My walking partner.

A storm blew through on Friday night, and Saturday, November 5 was clear and crisp.  Instead of walking at home, I went to a local church’s rummage sale, and after securing a load of bargains, I walked around their beautiful old cemetery and grounds.

St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Plantersville, Texas. I love that they have bluebird houses on the ground.

I love the different types of crosses and the peaceful country setting.

I have enjoyed following the challenge this week — getting some exercise and noticing some new things on my walks, and in visiting the other participants!