WalkingSquares 6 through 12

I am enjoying the WalkingSquares challenge set by BeckyB of Winchester, to get out and walk each day in November.  Most days I walk around our farm, but on two days this week I ventured further afield.

Tupelo tree surrounded by pines.

Sunday November 6 was warm and overcast. Nothing phenomenal showed up to be photographed, but this cloud formation caught my eye.

Cloud formation.

Monday was also warm.  I chose this photo from that day, because I was able to capture three insects in one picture.

Two frits, a wasp, and a vitex.

On Tuesday, I went to town (about 12 miles away).  Our library has a lovely little park, given by the Rotary Club to be a memorial to community members, and I took my walk there.  The park is only a few acres, but it was planned so that it has lots of little ecozone niches — a creek with a waterfall, a large pond, and a tiny wetland area.

Tatanka, the bison sculpture, at Memory Park of Montgomery.

Turtle in the wetlands area.

On Wednesday, I had to be in another town, Tomball, and I took the opportunity to visit the Theis Attaway Nature Center.  This is another very small park, only 4 acres, and it also is designed to create various econiches.  The last time I was there, back in May, the wildflower meadow was packed with waist-high thistles.  (I didn’t look closely enough to know which species, but next year I will consult this page and identify what is there.)  This time, the flowers had all been mowed down, and there was not a lot in the way of wildlife to photograph, but I still found a few insects and turtles.

Theis Attaway pond.

From this picture, you would never know that this path is surrounded by industrial warehouses and a large nursing home, with a WalMart right across the street.

I believe this is a Roseate Skimmer.

On Thursday, I was back at home.  A cold front was predicted to move in in 24 hours, and the birds were very active.  Yellow-rumped Warblers and Cedar Waxwings had come back for the winter.  The warblers are so hard for me to get pictures of — they gather in groups and no one stays still long enough for me to focus the camera, usually.  So I was very glad to get this photo of one of them stretching out to grab a bug.

Winter resident.

Friday I went out about an hour before the rain and cold front got here. I was curious as to whether the birds would still be so evident, but all was quiet in the treetops.  Then I spotted this Red-tailed Hawk in the pasture.  I really liked the dramatic setting of the dead branches curving all around him.

Red-tailed hawk in dead oak.

Zooming in on the hawk.

Right after my walk, the cool front got here with a good cloudburst, which we needed. It cleared out quickly and Saturday morning was breezy and clear.

I had time for only a short walk, before weekend guests arrived. Close to the house, some Yellow-rumped Warblers popped out of the brush and I got a few pictures.  This one is a little blurry, but at least the bird is in the sunlight and not hidden in shadow.

Yellow-rumped Warbler.